Accenture annuncia l’acquisizione di NIKE Group, società italiana specializzata
nell’offerta di servizi e soluzioni RegTech

L’operazione rafforzerà la leadership di Accenture nel campo delle soluzioni RegTech innovative per il settore dei servizi finanziari

Milano, 14 aprile, 2020 – Accenture ha annunciato un accordo per l’acquisizione di NIKE Group, società di consulenza italiana specializzata nell’offerta di servizi e soluzioni RegTech (regulatory & technology) che aiutano banche, assicurazioni e aziende a migliorare i processi regolamentari, di controllo e di adeguamento al rispetto di norme e leggi. L’acquisizione rafforzerà le competenze di Accenture in ambito RegTech e compliance, a beneficio dei clienti italiani e europei. I termini finanziari dell’accordo non sono stati resi noti.

L’approccio data-driven di NIKE Group e la sua piattaforma normativa consentono di monitorare costantemente i nuovi requisiti normativi e ad adeguarsi alle nuove regole. Un aspetto, questo, particolarmente importante: nove organizzazioni di servizi finanziari su 10 prevedono di aumentare gli investimenti in conformità nei prossimi due anni, secondo una recente ricerca di Accenture.

L’acquisizione di NIKE Group – che offre servizi professionali e tecnologia in tre Business line dedicate: Regulatory Services, Consulting & Solutions in ambito normativo, Security & Innovation - consentirà ad Accenture Italia e a NIKE Group di aiutare i propri clienti a migliorare i processi regolamentari, di controllo e di adeguamento rispetto a norme e leggi, con vantaggi economici significativi.

“Il mercato dei servizi finanziari ha bisogno di un nuovo approccio data-driven nell’ambito delle soluzioni per l’adeguamento normativo e questa acquisizione permetterà ad Accenture Italia di proporre ai propri clienti un’offerta a valore ancora più distintiva” ha dichiarato Massimiliano Colangelo, Financial Services Client Group Lead di Accenture Italia. “L’operazione ha l’obiettivo di valorizzare le professionalità specialistiche, le soluzioni tecnologiche e l’esperienza di NIKE Group. Queste, insieme alla posizione di leadership, alla capacità di innovazione e alla dimensione di Accenture saranno le componenti distintive di un’offerta unica sul mercato nei servizi avanzati RegTech, Compliance e Data Driven, che integrerà in un unico hub competenze normative, operative e tecnologiche in grado di soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti attraverso un approccio modulare e integrato”.

“Siamo orgogliosi di entrare a far parte di Accenture: la sua dimensione di scala e la presenza internazionale permetterà ai nostri dipendenti di rafforzare le proprie potenzialità e offrirà ai nostri clienti una serie di soluzioni end-to-end a valore” ha commentato Carlo Giaj Levra, CEO di NIKE Group.” Sappiamo bene che tutti i mercati hanno bisogno di un hub normativo con un approccio centralizzato, in grado di raccogliere e organizzare con metodo e sistematicità questo tipo di informazioni. Insieme ad Accenture continueremo a sviluppare know-how, metodologie e tecnologie per gestire e migliorare i processi di governance e conformità per il mondo dei servizi finanziari, con l’obiettivo di espandere i nostri servizi in tutti i mercati.”

L’operazione è parte della strategia di crescita globale di Accenture che punta ad acquisire competenze e capacità cruciali in aree di mercato strategiche e in rapida crescita, come le recenti acquisizioni nell’ambito dei servizi finanziari di Mudano e Parker Fitzgerald. Il completamento dell’operazione è soggetto ai consueti termini di chiusura.

Accenture è un’azienda leader a livello globale nel settore dei servizi professionali che fornisce una vasta gamma di servizi nei settori strategy & consulting, interactive, technology e operations, con capacità digitali in ognuno di essi. Combiniamo un’esperienza unica e competenze specialistiche in più di 40 settori industriali - sostenuti dalla più ampia rete al mondo di centri Advanced Technology e Intelligent Operations. Con 509.000 professionisti impegnati a servire i suoi clienti in più di 120 paesi, Accenture porta innovazione costante per aiutare i clienti a migliorare le proprie performance e creare valore duraturo attraverso le proprie

Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the historical information and discussions contained herein, statements in this news release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “likely,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “projects,” “believes,” “estimates,” “positioned,” “outlook” and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. For a discussion of risks and actions taken in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, see “Our results of operations have been adversely affected and could in the future be materially adversely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)” under Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in Accenture plc’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended February 29, 2020. Many of the following risks, uncertainties and other factors identified below are, and will be, amplified by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). These risks include, without limitation, risks that: Accenture and Nike Group will not be able to close the transaction in the time period anticipated, or at all, which is dependent on the parties’ ability to satisfy certain closing conditions; the transaction might not achieve the anticipated benefits for Accenture; Accenture’s results of operations have been adversely affected and could in the future be materially adversely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19); Accenture’s results of operations could be adversely affected by volatile, negative or uncertain economic and political conditions and the effects of these conditions on the company’s clients’ businesses and levels of business activity; Accenture’s business depends on generating and maintaining ongoing, profitable client demand for the company’s services and solutions including through the adaptation and expansion of its services and solutions in response to ongoing changes in technology and offerings, and a significant reduction in such demand or an inability to respond to the evolving technological environment could materially affect the company’s results of operations; if Accenture is unable to keep its supply of skills and resources in balance with client demand around the world and attract and retain professionals with strong leadership skills, the company’s business, the utilization rate of the company’s professionals and the company’s results of operations may be materially adversely affected; Accenture could face legal, reputational and financial risks if the company fails to protect client and/or company data from security breaches or cyberattacks; the markets in which Accenture operates are highly competitive, and Accenture might not be able to compete effectively; changes in Accenture’s level of taxes, as well as audits, investigations and tax proceedings, or changes in tax laws or in their interpretation or enforcement, could have a material adverse effect on the company’s effective tax rate, results of operations, cash flows and financial condition; Accenture’s profitability could materially suffer if the company is unable to obtain favorable pricing for its services and solutions, if the company is unable to remain competitive, if its cost-management strategies are unsuccessful or if it experiences delivery inefficiencies; Accenture’s results of operations could be materially adversely affected by fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; as a result of Accenture’s geographically diverse operations and its growth strategy to continue to expand in its key markets around the world, the company is more susceptible to certain risks; Accenture’s business could be materially adversely affected if the company incurs legal liability; Accenture’s work with government clients exposes the company to additional risks inherent in the government contracting environment; if Accenture is unable to manage the organizational challenges associated with its size, the company might be unable to achieve its business objectives; Accenture’s ability to attract and retain business and employees may depend on its reputation in the marketplace; if Accenture does not successfully manage and develop its relationships with key alliance partners or fails to anticipate and establish new alliances in new technologies, the company’s results of operations could be adversely affected; Accenture might not be successful at acquiring, investing in or integrating businesses, entering into joint ventures or divesting businesses; if Accenture is unable to protect or enforce its intellectual property rights or if Accenture’s services or solutions infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or the company loses its ability to utilize the intellectual property of others, its business could be adversely affected; Accenture’s results of operations and share price could be adversely affected if it is unable to maintain effective internal controls; changes to accounting standards or in the estimates and assumptions Accenture makes in connection with the preparation of its consolidated financial statements could adversely affect its financial results; many of Accenture’s contracts include fees subject to the attainment of targets or specific service levels, which could increase the variability of the company’s revenues and impact its margins; Accenture might be unable to access additional capital on favorable terms or at all and if the company raises equity capital, it may dilute its shareholders’ ownership interest in the company; Accenture may be subject to criticism and negative publicity related to its incorporation in Ireland; as well as the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed under the “Risk Factors” heading in Accenture plc’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K and other documents filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements in this news release speak only as of the date they were made, and Accenture undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements made in this news release or to conform such statements to actual results or changes in Accenture’s expectations.

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